648 (31?) (318) (319) (320) /tu (321) juavia (322) /wfa The Loom of Language (larynx* gullet laryngos) (lepis> scale lepidos (lophos} comb, crest — (wzy^ »z>w) mouse, muscle - (mama) frenzy (myxa) phlegm — (323) vapKri (324) VOLVO IGL (325) vevpov (326) vs(f>pog (narce) numbness (nausta) seasickness (neuron) nerve, tendon (nephros) kidney (327) vcorov (noton) back (328) odovg, (329) oicrofiayog (330) o/^fs* (331) oarsov (odous, tooth odontos) (oesophagos) oesophagus (orchis) testicle (osteon) bone (332) oarpaKQv (ostracon) shell (333) owf, OJ'V/OC (334) ovpa (onyx, nail, claw £?7ZyC/205) (ura) tail (335) OV/>OJ> (336) o6aA/j,o£ (ttrow) urine (ophthalmos) eye (337) (338) (339) (340) (341) (342) (343) (344) (ophrys) eyebrow — appearance, eyesight (pareia) cheek (pelmd) sole (pepsis) digestion (pilos) wool — laryngsal Lepidopteta (348), Lepi- dostet (331), Osteolepts (331), Lepidonotus (327), Lepidodendron (488) lophodont (328), Lophopus (346), Lophogaster (290) myomere (40), myotome maniac, hypomama (670) (643) Myxomycetes (504), Myxococcus (501), Myxospondia (512) narcosis, narcotic nauseating neural^ neurosis nephndzum, mesonephros (568), nephritis notochord (177), notopodium (346), Notostraca (332) Odontophote (649), theco- dont (135)5 Odontocett (410) oesophageal cryptorcfad (626) osteology (36), penosteal (666) Ostracoda, Conchostraca (411), Entomostraca (398) Onychophora (649), Owy- chomonas (45) urostyle (165), Ophiura (429), ^«wra «nc, z/r^ hippunc (401) ophthalmia ophthalmoscope (639)3 exophthalmos (657) Actmophrys (83), Ophryo- cystis (315), Ophrytrocha (172) autopsy (6), Bryopsts (487), Sauropsida (434), Ichthyop- sida (402) (pleura) (pneuma) lungs, breath — Pelmatozoa (399) — pepsin^ eupeptic (546) — Pilochrota (386), Pilocarpus (492), Pilobolus (8) side, nb — pleural, pleurocentrum (3i)> pleurisy — pneumonia, pneumatic., pneumatophore (649), j mococcus (501)