50O The Loom of Language economy The expression word-economy may suggest two, if not three, quite different notions to a person who meets it for the first time One is ability to frame different statements, questions, or requests with the least number of different vocables Another is ability to frame the same utterance in the most compact form, le with the least number of vocables, different or otherwise Economy of the first sort implies a minimum vocabulary of essential words Economy of the second calls for a large vocabulary of available words Since it is not difficult to multiply words, the fundamental problem of word economy from our viewpoint is how to cut down those which are not essential for self- expression. There remains a third and more primitive way in which economy may be achieved We can save breath or space by contracting the volume of a word or word sequence, as in U S S R for Union of Socialist Soviet Republics., or Gestapo for Geheime Staatspohzei (Secret State Police). At first sight it may seem a hopeless task to construct a vocabulary that would cover all the essential needs of intercommunication, yet contain not more than, say, a thousand basic words A modern news- paper assumes acquaintance with perhaps 20,000, and m the Enghsh section of a very humble English-French pocket dictionary some 10,000 are listed It requires no lengthy scrutiny to discover that a large portion of the material is not essential A rationally constructed word list would discard many synonyms or near-synonyms, of which Anglo-American is chock-full, eg little—small, big—large, begin— commence It need not tolerate such functional overlapping, as band— ribbon—stnp It would also steer clear of over-specialization by making one word do what in natural languages is often done by three or more. Thus the outer cover of the human body is called la peau in French, that of the onion lapelure, and that of the sausage la cotte. Though less fastidious than the French, we ourselves overburden the dictionary with the corresponding series skin—nnd—jacket—feel When we distinguish between thread—twine—cord—strung—rope—tow we are merely heaping name upon name for what is ultimately a difference in size. Since our interlanguage pursues strictly utilitarian ends and seeks perfection in precision, it can do without some of the verbal gewgaws and falderals of poetic and "cultured" speech There is no need to incorporate a large number of words to express subtleties of attitude. We could safely replace the existing plethora of vocables denoting approval or disapproval by a bare handful of names. But rejection