Pioneers of Language Planning 473 This is not altogether surprising Because English spelling teems with irregularities., and still more because of the vast resources of its hybrid vocabulary, learning English is not an easy task for anyone who amis to get a wide reading knowledge So academic linguists trained in sedentary pursuits overlooked the astonishing ease with which a beginner can get a good working knowledge of the Anglo-American interlanguage as a vehicle of unpretentious self-expression. C K Ogden and his colleague, I A Richards, are largely responsible for the growing recognition of the merits which won high tribute from Grimm Ogden and Richards chose Anglo-American usage as the case material of 7 he Meaning of Meaning^ a handbook of modern logic What began as an academic examination of how we define things, led one of the authors into a more spacious domain Hitherto we had thought of English as the language with the large dictionary Ogden's work has taught us to recognize its extreme word economy To resolve this paradox the reader needs to know the problem which Ogden and Richards discuss in their book Latent in the theme of the The Meaning oj Meaning is the following question: what is the absolute minimum number of words we need to r£tow,if we are to give an intelligible definition of all other words in Webster's or the Oxford Dictionary? The answer is, about 800, or between two and three months* work for anyone willing to memorize twelve new words a day This great potential word-economy of Anglo-American is due to the withering away of ward-forms dictated by context without regard to meaning We have had many examples of this process, especially in Chapters III, IV, and VII Our natural interlanguage has shed redundant contextual dis- tinctions between particles and between transitive and intransitive verbs We can now do without a battery of about 400 special verb- forms which are almost essential to ordinary self-expression in French or German This is not disputed by critics who carp at the absence of names for everyday objects in Ogden's 850 Basic Word List, and it is not necessary to remind readers of the Loom that Anglo-American has another supreme merit which pioneers of language-planning, other than the great linguist Henry Sweet, were slow to realize Academic British grammarians, with few notable exceptions such as Bradley, have always been apologetic about the flexional "poverty5* of English, and disposed to fondle any surviving flexions they could fish up. In fact, there are only three surviving obligatory flexions which we need to add to our items for a serviceable vocabulary of new words (a) -s (for the third person singular of the present tense, or for the