470 The Loom of Language (cf especially Afrikaans, p 285) which rely on helpers or particles to express time or aspect The -ed like the -s in two rabbits escaped yester- day is redundant We have no need for either of them when we say two sheep hurt themselves yesterday The Interhnguist says ken me es in London (yesterday I BE in London), hodie illos es in Pans (to-day they BE in Pans)^ eras te ei> in New York (to-morrow you BE in New York) Peano's amtude to tense is on all fours with his attitude to number Where explicit particles,, or context do not already specify past time, the helper e before the verb does so Similarly i (from ire} indicates the future as in the French construction je vats me coucher (I am going to bed) Thus the Interlinguist says me i bibe = I am going to drink, or me e bibe = I drank Though one of the most attractive projects yet designed, Peano's Interhngua has several weak points Some of them spring from the fact that its author had his eyes glued on the European tnise-en-scene> and more particularly, on the cultural hierarchy So he never asked himself whether Interhngua was free from sounds likely to cause difficulties to linguistic communities outside Europe There is another grave but easily remediable omission A completely flexionless language such as Interhngua calls for rigid rules of word-order Peano bothered little about the necessary traffic regulations The capital weakness of Inter- hngua is that its vocabulary is too large Its author ignored the interests of the peoples of Africa and Asia, as he also ignored the plain man in Europe Had he had more sympathy with their needs he would have worked out a minimum vocabulary sufficient for everyday purposes He did not The 1915 edition of Peano's Vocabulano Commune contains 14,000 words which have currency in leading European languages Here is a sample of Interhngua Televisione, aut transmissione de imagines ad distantia, es ultimo applicatione de undas electrico In die 8 februario 1928, imagines de tres nomine m Long Acre apud London es transimsso ad Hartsdale apud New York, et es recepto super uno piano, de 5 per 8 centimetro, ubi assistentes vide facies in London ad move, apen ore, etc NOVIAL Bacon has said that the true and lawful goal of science is to endow human life with new powers and inventions Throughout his long and distinguished career, the great Danish linguist Jespersen has had the courage and originality to emphasize that philology has the same "true and lawful goal" as any other science As a young man he espoused