Pioneers of Language Planning 457 lofob I love ilofob I had loved alofob I loved olofob I shall love elofob I have loved. ulofob I shall have loved Strange to say., the prefix a- of the imperfect and the o- of the future also appeared on adverbs formed from del (day), adela (yesterday), adelo (to-day) There were characteristic suffixes for a subjunctive and a potential mood, and each with all six tense forms, e g elofomla (that he has loved) By prefixing p- you could change the active to the passive, and interpolate an i immediately after the tense-mark to signify habitual action So it was possible to make one word to say of a woman that she had been loved all the time The Schleyer imperative, like the Schleyer deity, was threefold, with a gentle wll-you-please form in -os, a normal one in -od9 and a categorical of the worft-you-shut-up sort in "02 The mark of interrogation was a hyphenated /z, prefixed or suffixed, and the negative particle was no placed before the verb, e g no-h elofons-la? (will you not have loved?). If admittedly more regular than either, Volapuk had almost as many grammatical impedimenta as Sanskrit or Lithuanian The Volapukists rightly claimed that the root-material of their language was taken from English, German, Latin, and its modern descendants Unluckily, the roots suffered drastic casttgatton from Father Schleyer's hands before they became unrecognizable in the Volapuk lexicon The memory of the beginner had nothing to bite on All roots had to conform with a set of arbitrary conditions To take on several prefixes and suffixes, they had to be monosyllabic, and even so the enormous length to which such a word could grow forced Schleyer to italicize the root itself He had to alter all words which ended in a sibilant (c, 5, #, etc ) to accommodate the plural s; and every root had to begin and end with a consonant. From this German sausage-machine, knowledge emerged as not, difficulty osfikul, and compliment SLSphm, the German word Feld as/07, Licht as lit> and Wunde as vun The name of the language itself illustrates the difficulties of detection Even geo- graphical names did not escape punishment. Italy, England, and Portugal became Tal, Nehj, and Bodugan Europe changes to Yulop, and the other four continents to Melop, Silop, Fikop, and Talop Who would guess that Vol in Volapuk comes from world, and puk from speech? The method of word-derivation was as fanciful, as illogical, and as silly as the maltreatment of roots In the manner of the catalanguages, there was a huge series of pigeon-holes each labelled with some affix. P*