456 The Loom of Language he had taken spoken English as his model, with due regard to any merits of German, French, Spanish, and Italian The vowel battery of Schleyer's phonetic apparatus was made up of a, e, iy o, u, together with the German a, 0, w, of which the last is notoriously difficult for English-speaking people to pronounce In conformity with his German bias, the consonants included the guttural ch sound Out of chivalrous consideration for children, elderly people, and China's four hundred million, Schleyer discarded the r sound in favour of/ (absent in Japanese) and other substitutes This happened before anyone drew Schleyer's attention to the fact that the Chinese have an r By then he had changed our English red or German rot to led Similarly rose becomes lol In the grammar of Volapuk the noun, like the noun of German and unlike that of Anglo-American or of any Romance language, trailed behind it case-marks with or without the uniform plural -S In this way father becomes SINGULAR PLURAL Nonun fat fats Ace fall fatis Gen fata fatas Dat fate fates There was no grammatical gender Where sex raised its ugly head the simple noun form represented the male, which could assimilate the lady-like prefix ^2-, as in blod-jiblod (brother-sister) and dog-jidog (dog- bitch) The adjective was recognizable as such by the suffix -z£, e g gudik (good), supplemented by -el when used as a noun, e g gudikel (the good man), jigudikel ^the good woman) Gain on the roundabouts by levelling the personal pronoun (ob = I, ol = thou, obs = we, oh = you, etc ) was lost on the swings, because each person had four cases (e g ob, obt> oba3 obe) From the possessive adjective derived from the pronoun by adding the suffix -z&, e g obik (my), you got the pos- sessive pronoun by an additional -£/, e g obikel (mine) Conjugation was a bad joke In what he had to learn about the vagaries of the Vola- puk verb, the Chinese paid a heavy price for the liquidation of r. Whether there was or was not an independent subject, the personal pronoun stuck to the verb stem So fat lofom literally meant the father love he There were six tenses, as in Latin, each of them with its own charactensttc vowel prefixed to the stem, presumably in imitation of the Greek augment