430 The Loom of Language pronoun So WO-TI means tmnet of me If Karlgren is right TI began its career as a pointer word., but it no longer exists as an independent word It is now comparable to a flexional affix such as the -s in people's Needless to say, Chinese has no special marks for person, tense, mood3 or voice As in colloquial Italian and Spanish, it is the usual thing to leave out the personal pronoun when the situation supplies it In polite or submissive speech a depreaattve expression takes the place of the ego (WO in Pekingese), and a laudatory one ("honorific5') does service for you Since there is no flexion the same syllable LAI may mean go,, went., gomg^ etc In the absence of another word to stress that a process or state is over and done with, or that the issue is closed, the perfective particle LA can follow the verb LA is a toneless and contracted form of LIAO meaning complete or finished Future time can be made explicit: (a) with an adverbial particle equivalent to soon, henceforth, later on, etc, (6) by the helper YAO which has an independent existence equivalent to wish or want, the original meaning of our own helper will Thus we may say, TCA LAI he comes, he is coming; T'A LAI LA he has come, he camey TCA YAO LAI he will come The parade PA (stop) is the signal of a peremptory command, e g CHft) PA (clear out), but it is more polite to use YAO exactly as we use will and the French use vouloir in will you tell me or vewllez me due. It goes without saying that a language with complete absence of flexion and a large number of ambiguous words must have rules of word-order no less rigid than those of English What is surprising is that so many of the syntactical conventions of Chinese agree with our own In a straightforward statement, the order in both languages is subject—verb—object This is illustrated by the following. I do not fear him WO PU PCA T'A. He does not fear me T'A PU P'A WO. These sentences show that position alone stamps WO as what we call the subject of the first and the object of the second The object is placed for emphasis at the head of the sentence only where misunder- standing is impossible. In such a statement as the following, the subject is still immediately in front of the verb. this language I not believe CHE-KO HUA WO PU HSIN •• (i e I don't believe that)