416 The Loom of Language means I have written If you say zvnte to him (at once) you have to use the perfective formnapishiyemu. If you say wnte better (in future), you use its imperfective co-twin, pishi lushye Britain has rehnquished the incubus of gender without discarding the bishops' bench, and Americans who have no use for case-concord still condone lynching So it goes without saying that shortcomings of the Russian language reflect no discredit on the Soviet system, still less on the citizens of the USSR themselves What they do signify is the existence of a powerful social obstacle to cultural relations between the Soviet Union and other countries The archaic character of the Russian language is a formidable impediment to those who may wish to get first-hand knowledge of Russian affairs through foreign travel Because such difficulties beset a foreigner, it is disappointing to record lack of revolutionary fervour in the attitude of Soviet leaders to the claims of language-planning While the Kremlin curbed the power of the Greek Orthodox Church, it made no attempt to bring itself into line with Europe, America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand by liquidating the cultural handicap of the Kynlhc alphabet. That there is no insurmountable obstacle to such a break with the past is shown by the example of Turkey, which has replaced Arabic by Latin script The task of reform was simplified by the pre-existence of illiteiacy in Russia, as in Turkey Russia has always been, and still remains, a Tower of Babel. Within the boundaries of the Soviet Union we find representatives of the Indo- European, the Fmno-Ugrian, the Turco-Tartar, the Mongolian, and the Caucasian families of speech—all in all some hundred languages and dialects, most of which are mutually unintelligible. The situation is deplorable enough if we confine ourselves to the three Russian languages Great Russian, spoken in the north-east, with Moscow as the centre, Little Russian, or Ukrainian 5 and White Russian, current in the north- west along the confines of the Baltic group These languages are separated by such small differences that they are mutually intelligible Formerly the written language common to all of them was Great Russian But to-day the White Russians as well as the Little Russians have written languages of their own. THE CELTIC TWILIGHT The unequal decay of flexion in the Indo-European family does not directly reflect the progress of avilization We can see this by con- trasting Russian or Lithuanian with the Celtic languages. Celtic speech is now confined to the western fringe of Europe It was once possible to