406 The Loom of Language can 120 million people who speak cognate languages (German, Dutch and Flemish,, Scandinavian), we get the enormous total of about 320 millions for the Teutonic group Nest come the Aryan tongues of India, spoken by some 230 millions, and the Romance languages, spoken by a total of 200 millions Then follows the Slavonic-speaking people, of whom there are some 190 millions The preceding figure for German does not include Yiddish. Yiddish was originally a west German dialect taken to Poland and Baltic countries by Jewish refugees from persecutions of the late Middle Ages Its phonetic pattern preserves many characteristics of Middle High German Its vocabulary is still predominantly German with a considerable admix- ture of Hebrew words, of Polish words, and of words of languages spoken in countries to which emigrants have taken it Yiddish can boast of a rich international literature, printed in Hebrew characters With the exception of the splinter-speech communities which use Basque, Turkish, and Caucasian dialects, all European languages belong to two great families, the Aryan or Indo-European, and the Fmno- Ugrian (p 197) European representatives of the latter are confined to Hungary, Esthoma, Finland, and Lapland Major contributions to modern science are due to the efforts of men and women who speak languages belonging to the Romance and Teutonic languages, including Anglo-American, which is the hybrid offspring of both. These have been dealt with in Part II The most ancient literature of the Indo- European family belongs to the Indo-Iraman group., which includes Sanskrit and Old Persian Of languages spoken in modern Europe, the Baltic group which includes Lettish and Lithuanian stands nearest to primitive Aryan, and the Slavonic^ headed by Russian, stands nearest to the Baltic group Classical Greek with its parochial descendant, modern Greek, occupies an isolated position as a language clearly related to other Indo-European languages without being more dearly related to any particular group than to another. At the extreme Western geographical limits of the present distribution of the family, we find remains of the once widespread Celtic group with peculiar structural characteristics which separate it from all others Albanian and Armenian are also Indo-European languages, but because both have assimilated many loan-words from Semitic, Caucasian, or Turkish neighbours, linguists did not generally recognize their relation to other members of the family till the latter half of the nineteenth century THE INDIC GROUP Widely separated branches of the Indo-European family have a long