The Latin Legacy 341 The negative value of ne in the combinations in this list infected its bedfellows, which lost their original meaning and are now used only as negative particles. Two of them, mie and goutte, eventually disap- peared Two others, pas and point, have survived By the sixteenth century it was the rule to use one of them in any negative statement. To-day the most common form is ne-pas, and ne-point is only for emphasis. If ne is accompanied by another negative such as personne (nobody), nen (nothing), or jamais (never), the latter replace pas or point> eg il ne me visite jamais (he never looks me up) In popular French the process has gone further. While in Old French the pas was more often omitted than not, you now hear French people drop the emasculated ne and s&yj'aime pas ga (I don't like it), or zl dort pas (he doesn't sleep) The French particle ne also keeps company with que and guere in a sense which does not imply negation When que replaces pas, it signifies only, e g. je rfai que deux sous (I have only a penny) When guere takes its place, it means scarcely, e g je ne la connais guere (I hardly know her) Corresponding to the French ne . que for only we have the Italian non , .. die. If we recall the wide range of only in English (p 274) this construction should not puzzle us As an adverb only, or its equivalent merely, involves a qualified negative It implies 720 more (and no less) than, no "better than or not . . with the exception Thus a Frenchman says zl rfa qu'un oeil (he has no more than one eye, he has only one eye) cxje ne bots qu'aux repas (I don't drink except at meals, I only drink at meals) This adverbial use of only in Romance as in Teutonic (p. 274) languages is quite distinct from that of the adjectival only meaning sole, solitary, single, alone, or unique For only as adjective we have seul(e) or less common, unique in French, solo or umco in Italian (Spanish solo or tirnco) School-book knowledge of Latin does not always help us to link up a Romance word with its Latin forerunner As a living language, Latin had a large stock of words which classical authors never used. Where they would write equus for horse, iter for journey, os for mouth, ignis for fire, comedere for eat, a citizen of the Empire would say caballus (French cheval, Spanish cdballo, Italian cavallo), viaticum (French voyage, Spanish vtaje, Italian viaggio], buca (French bouche, Spanish boca, Italian bocca); focus (French feu, Spanish fuego, Italian fuoco), manducare^ lit to chew (French manger, Italian mangiare) In the school-books the Latin woid for house is domus, which was the name for the house of the well-to-do. Beside it Latin had casa, which