The Latin Legacy 337 followed close upon the heels of the adjective, it lost its former inde- pendence and became a formative element, eventually used without involving anybody's mental processes, e g sola mente (French settlement} in place of singulanter (alone) Finally -mente fused with the adjective i e with its feminine singular form In Spanish it keeps a trace of its separate identity The Spaniard usually attaches -mmte only to the IRREGULAR COMPARISON OF ROMANCE ADVERBS ENGLISH FRENCH SPANISH LAIIN ITALIAN well better best b« rmeux le mieux ;n mejor lo mejor bene rnelms (opnme) bene meglio il meglic badly, ill worse worst m plus rnal (j>ts) le plus mal al peor lo peor male pejus (pessitMcni) male peggio il peggio little less least peu moms le moins poco menos lo menos paucum minus (tttimme) poco meno il meno very., much more most beaucoup plus le plus mucho mas lo mas multum plus (plunmitfrti molto piu ilpiu final one when several adverbs follow one another, eg habla clara, concisa y elegantemente (he speaks clearly, concisely, and elegantly) This was also the custom in Old French, e.g. itmele et dolce mente for humble- merit et doucement (humbly and quietly) One striking difference between the Romance languages and their Teutonic contemporaries is the variety of tense-forms which they possess. This is not because the flextonal system of the Latin verb escaped the general process of flexional decay common to other classes of words m the living language In later Latin verb-forms of the classical authors were largely superseded by new ones which remain the basis of conjugation in the Romance languages. The passive flexion disap- peared, as it is now disappearing in Scandinavian dialects. Its place was taken partly by the active, partly by a roundabout expression con- sistently made up of the past participle and the auxiliary esse, to be Where classical authors had used the present tense of the latter (traditus est, he has been betrayed) to express completed action, later authors used it for action in progress (cf the French, il est train = he j$ being betrayed), and other tenses were used to build up similar