The Latin Legacy 325 of the noun had almost disappeared Scholars used to discuss whether fixed word-order and the use of prepositions led to the elimination of the case-marks, or whether slurring and decay of case-marks which were not stressed brought in prepositions and fixed word-order Un- FIG, 36.—OSCAN INSCRIPTION FROM POMPEII (Reading from right to left) doubtedly the first is nearer the truth than the second. Thus A D. Sheffield explains in Grammar and Thinking. "Phonetic change . . was the proximate cause of the 'decay3 of in- flexions; but no mere physical cause can be viewed as acting upon speech regardless of men's expressive intention in speaking Before the analytical means of showing sentence-relations had developed, any tendency to slur relating endings would be constantly checked by the speaker's need of making himself understood The change, therefore, more likely proceeded as follows Fixed word-order began to appear within the inflected languages simply as a result of growing orderhness of thought Relating particles were at the same time added to inflected words wherever the inflexional meaning was vague After word-order had acquired functional value, and the more precise relating-words were current, relating endings lost their importance, and would become assimilated, slurred, and dropped, from the natural tendency of speakers to trouble themselves over no more speech-material than is needed to convey their thought" The first case-casualty was the genitive Caesar himself had written pauci de nostns (a few of ours), which in modern Italian is pochi det nostri Without doubt this was the way in which common people of Vergil's tame talked. Towards the end of the Empire the use of the ablative with de had universally displaced the old genitive without a preposition, and we come across such modern forms as de poms, equivalent to the modern French des pomrnes (some apples), oifihus de