The Latin Legacy 319 masculine, feminine, neuter, according to the behaviour of an adjective coupled with it, or of the pronoun which replaces it Tius peculiar gender-distinction which the Indo-European (pp 113 and 114) shares with the Semitic family was not based on sex-differentiation. Except where gender distinguished actual sex, which was irrelevant to the gender-class of most animals, Latin gender referred to nothing in the leal wciid It was merely a mattei of table manners Nobody, not even a poet, would have been able to say why the wall (munis) should be masculine, the door (portd) feminine, and the ioof(tectum) neuter The singular nominative or dictionary form of many aouns carries no trade- mark of the gender-dass to which they belong Pines (pear-tree) was feminine, hortus (garden) was masculine, and corpus (body) was neuter What labels a Latin, like an Old English,noun as masculine, feminine, or neuter is the form of the noun-substitute (pronoun) or of the adjective (including demonstiatives) which went with it Excluding participles nearly all adjectives of classical Latin can be assigned to two types One type has three sets of case-derivatives, e g the nominative forms bonus, bona, bonum (good) The femimnes had endings like those of nouns such as porta (door) placed in the first declension, the masculine and neuter respectively like donnnus (master) and bellum (war) in the second declension To say that a Latin noun is masculine, neuter or feminine therefore means that a Latin writer would use the masculine, neuter, or feminine forms of such adjectives with it The flexional modifications of the second type are modelled en the nouns of the third declension Most adjectives of this type have a common gender form used with either masculine or feminine nouns, and a separate neuter, e g tnstis-tnste (sad) Some of them, including present participles, e g amans (loving), have the same form for all three genders, e g prudens (prudent), velox (quick) The nominative and accusative, singular and plural, of the two chief adjectival types are below (a) bonus (good) (£) zrom(sad) MASC FEM NEUT MASC.= FEM NEUT NOM SING AGC SING bonus bonum bona bonam V bonum tnstis tustem j- triste NOM PLUR ACC PLUR boni bonos boaae bonas j- bona tnstes tristia