294 The Loom of Language and in unless the verb denotes motion With the neuter, feminine and masculine nouns das Haus (house), die Frau (woman), der Hut (hat), we therefore write SINGULAR ohne das Haus mit dem Haus ohne mein Haus mit meinem Haus PLURAL ohne die Hauser mit den Hausern ohne meine Hauser in meinen Hausern fur die Frau fur meine Frau durch den Hut durch meinen Hut von der Frau von meiner Frau in dem Hut in meinem Hut fur die Frauen * fur unsere Frauen durch die Hute durch meine Hute von den Frauen von unseren Frauen in den Huten von meinen Huten The rules for choice of endings appropriate to ordinary adjectives fall under four headings (i) If predicative, an adjective has the dictionary form without addition of any ending It behaves as all English adjectives behave We do not have to bother about the number, gender or case of the noun We use the same word dumm to say Das ist dumm = this is stupid Sie ist dumm = she is stupid Er ist dumm = he is stupid Wir sind dumm = we are stupid (u) If the adjective comes after a demonstrative or the definite article it behaves like nouns of the weak class represented by der Knabe (p 290) We then have to choose between the two endings -E and -EN in accor- dance witn the number, gender, and case of the noun The ending -E is the form which always goes with a singular subject It is also the accusa- tive case-form for singular nouns of the feminine and neuter classes Otherwise we have to use the ending -EN The following table shows the relation of the definite article to an accompanying (weak) adjective. MASCULINE SINGULAR NEUTER SINGULAR FEMININE SINGULAR PLURAL Nomin der blindE d^s blindE die bhndLE die blincLEAr Accus den blmdEN Gen. des blinds de blind r [EN Dat dem b]mdEN den bhndEN