Bir$$-Eye View of Teutonic Grammar 287 of concord between the noun3 pronoun, and adjective (p 293)^ as well as to know how to arrange German words in the right way To read German fluently, the former is unimportant and the latter is all- important So the word-pattern of German is the common denomi- nator5 and should be the first concern of the beginner who does not share the conviction that all learning must and should be painful At this stage the reader should therefore read once more the remarks on pp 153-166 To emphasize the importance of German (or Dutch) word-order, we shall now bring the essential rules together. (a) Principal clauses., co-ordinate clauses^ and simple sentences (i) Inversion of verb and subject when another sentence element or a subordinate clause precedes the latter (p 154) Oft kommt mem Mann mcht nach Haitse Often my husband does not come home Wei1 es Sonntag ist> koche ich mcht Because it is Sunday, I am not cooking. (n) Past participle or infinitive go to the end of the sentence or clause Die Katze hat die Milch mcht getmnken The cat hasn't drunk the milk Der Hund will mir folgen The dog wants to follow me. (m) The simple negative follows the object (direct or indirect) when it negates the statement as a whole, but precedes a word or phrase which it negates otherwise Mein Voter hat mir gestern den Scheck mcht gegeben My father did not give me the cheque yesterday Mem Vater hat mir mchr gestern den Scheck gegeben My father did not give me the cheque yesterday (&) Subordinate clauses (iv) The finite verb goes to the end, immediately after the parti- ciple or infinitive when it is a helper Sie kam nach House > iLeil sie kem Geld mehr hatte She came home because she had no more money Mem Bruder sagte mir 3 doss er nach Berlin gehen wolle(wtlfy My brother told me that he wanted to go to Berlin In all other Teutonic languages, except Dutch, and in all Romance