How to Learn the Basic Word List 223 The basic stratum, i e. the most common words,, of our English vocabulary is derived from a mixture of dialects more closely allied to Dutch than to other existing members of the group, especially to the speech of the Frisian Islands These dialects were the common speech of Germanic tribes, called Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, who came to Britain between 400 and 700 A.D. The Norse invaders, who left their footprints on our syntax, contributed few specifically Scandinavian words to Southern English, though there are many Norse words in dialects spoken m Scotland Norse was the language of the Orkneys till the end of the fourteenth, and persisted in the outermost Shetlands (Foula) till the end of the eighteenth century Many words in Scots vernaculars recall current Scandinavian equivalents, eg bra (fine, good), bairn (child), and flit (move household effects). Scandinavian suffixes occur m many place-names, such as -by (smalt town), cf Gnmsby or Whiffy, and the latter survives in the compound by-law of everyday speech in South Britain When the Norman invaders came in 1066 the language of England and of the South of Scotland was almost purely Teutonic. It had assimilated very few Latin words save those which were by then common to Teutonic dialects on the Continent. Except in Wales, Cornwall, and the Scottish highlands, the Celtic or pre-Roman Britain survived only in place-names. After the Norman Conquest, more particularly after the beginning of the fourteenth century, the lan- guage of England and of the Scottish lowlands underwent a drastic change It absorbed a large number of words of Latin origin, first through the influence of the Norman hierarchy, and later through the influence of scholars and writers. It shed a vast load of useless gram- matical luggage, Norman scribes revised its spelling, and while this was happening important changes of pronunciation were going on. This latmizatoon of Enghsh did not begin immediately after the Conquest. For the greater part of two centuries, there were two lan- guages in England. The overlords spoke Norman French, as the white settlers of Kenya speak modern Enghsh. The English serfs still spoke the language in which Beowulf and the Bible of Alfred the Great were written By the beginning of the fourteenth century a social process was gathering momentum There were self-governing towns with a burgher class of native Enghsh stock. There was a flourishing wool trade with Flanders. There were schools where the sons of prosperous burghers learnt French grammar. In the England of Dick Whittington, English again became a written language, but a written language which had to