How to Learn the Basic Word List 221 against all possible mistakes, if the rules given are conscientiously applied Only a series of volumes each nearly as long as this one and each devoted to each of the languages dealt with, could claim to do so Their aim is to explain what the beginner needs to know in order to avoid serious misunderstandings in straightforward self-expression (see Chapter IV) or the reading of unpretentious prose, and therefore to help the home student to start using a language with as little delay as is possible or advisable Beyond this point, progress in a foreign, like progress in the home, language depends on trial and error It is moie easy to form habits than to break them, and it is more difficult to learn by eye alone than by eye and ear together So it is a bad thing to start memorizing foreign words from the printed page without first leaimng how to pronounce them recognizably The spell- ing conventions (see Chapter II) of different languages are very differ- rent, and it is important to learn sufficient about them to avoid gross mistakes Beyond this, further progress is impossible without personal instruction, travel, or gramophone records (such as the Linguaphone or Columbia series) for those who can afford them, and careful attention to foreign broadcasts if such opportunities are not accessible Peculiar psychological difficulties beset individuals of English- speaking countries when they approach the study of a foreign language Some arise from social tradition. Others are due to geographical situation English-speaking people speak a language which has become world-wide through conquest, colonization, and economic penetration Partly for this reason and partly because their water frontiers cut them off from daily contact with other speech communities they lack the incentives which encourage a Dane or a Dutchman to acquire linguistic proficiency Though these extrinsic impediments are undoubtedly powerful, there is another side to the picture Those who have been brought up to speak the Anglo-American language have one great linguistic advantage Their word-equipment makes it equally easy for them to take up the study of any Teutonic or any Romance language with a background of familiar associations, because modern English is a hybrid language Indeed, more than one artificial auxiliary language, notably Steiner's Pasthngua put forward in 1885, takes as its basis the English stock in trade of words for this reason It is the object of this chapter to help the reader to become more language-conscious by recognizing what it implies Examples taken from the Lord's Prayer and printed on p 21 show the close family likeness of the common root-words in the Teutonic