The Classification of Languages 211 collectivity, of a big number, a liquid, and also of things which occur in pairs, e g ma-naka (horns of an animal) The prefix ka- (Ganda) corresponding to a plural prefix tu-3 denotes small size, e g ka-ntu (small man)., tu-ntu (small men) With the prefix bo- (Duaia), abstract nouns are formed, derived from adjectives, verbs and names for things, eg bo-nyaki (growth, from nyaka} grow) The prefix ku- (Ganda) serves for the formation of verb-nouns or infinitives, e g ku-lagira (to command, or commanding) Since there is no precise parallel to this type of concord in our own language,, we must fall back on an artificial model to illustrate what it involves Let us first suppose that every English noun had one of twenty prefixes analogous to the suffix ~er common to the occupational fisher-wnter-builder class We may also suppose that the words dog and sheep respectively earned the prefixes be- and rrf- If English also had the same concord system as a Bantu dialect, the sentence hungry dogs sometimes attack young sheep would then be be-hungry be-dogs sometimes be~they-attack nf-young iri-sheep. The origin of the Bantu classifiers is not above dispute It is possible, though not conclusively proved, that they weie once inde- pendent words with a concrete meaning, standing for groups of allied objects, such as human beings, trees, liquids, things long or short, big or small, weak or strong When associated with other words they originally marked them as members of one class According to this view, be-dog and nf-sheep of the parable used above would be what remains of beast-dog and meat-sheep Subsequently the outlines of once-distinct classes became blurred through contamination and fusion, and the classifier sank to the level of a purely grammatical device. If so, the original plan has survived only in the first two classes. With few excep- tions these signify human beings Only in a relatively static society at a primitive level of culture with little division of labour could classificatory particles retain a clear-cut function Migration and civilization biing human beings into new situations which call for new vocables. These do not necessarily fall into any pre-existing niche of a classificatory system. In fact, languages of the classificatory type are confined to communities which used neither script nor the plough before contact with white men. The surmise that Bantu classifiers were once concrete words suggests analogy with the numeratwes which the Chinese and Japanese almost invariably insert between figures and things counted, as when we speak of three head of cattle. Thus the Chinese say two piece man (=== two men), three tail fish (= three fish), four handle knife (=fow kmves^five orna-