The Classification of Languages 209 (6) Adjectival derivatives with the suffixes -ig> -icht, -isch> or -hch e g Macht-machtig (power-powerful), Haus-hattshch (house- domestic), Stadt-stadtisch (town-urban) (7) Diminutives, e g Mann-Mannchen., Frau-Fraulem (8) Abstract feminine nouns in -e> e g gut-die Gute (good-goodness), hock-die Hohe (high-the height) (9) Collective neuter nouns, Berg-Gehrge (mountain-mountain range), Wurm-Gewurm (worm-vermin) (10) Feminine nouns which take -zw, e g Hund-Hundm (dog-bitch) CLASSIFICATORY LANGUAGES The Bantu languages of Africa illustrate features common to the speech of backward and relatively static cultures throughout the world One of these gives us a clue to the possible origin of gender in the Indo-European group The Bantu family includes nearly all the native tongues spoken from the Equator to the Cape Province In this huge mangle, the only exceptions are the dialects of the Bushmen, of the Hottentots, and of the Pygmies of Central Africa About a hundred and fifty Bantu dialects form a remaikably homogeneous unit Most of them are not separated by greater differences than those which distinguish Spanish from Italian One member has been known to us since the seventeenth century In 1624, a catechism appeared in Congolese A generation later the Italian, Brusciotto, published a Congolese grammar These two docu- ments show that the language has changed little during the last three hundred years, and therefore refute the belief that unwritten languages necessarily change more rapidly than codified ones One Bantu language already had a script before the arrival of the Christian missionary and the white trader It is called Swahih, and was originally the dialect of Zanzibar To-day it is the lingua franca of the East Coast of Africa For several centuries before the Great Navigations, Arabs had been trading with Zanzibar, and the native community adopted the unsuitable alphabet of the Moslem merchants The Kafir-Sotho group of Bantu languages (South-East Africa) have a peculiarity not shared by other members of the same family.'In addition to consonants common to the speech of other peoples, there are characteristic clicks produced by inspiration of air They resemble the smacking sound of a kiss It is probable that they are "borrowed" elements from the click-languages of the Bushmen and Hottentots The existence of the Bantu family as such has been recognized for a century. This is partly because every name-word belongs to one of a