The Classification of Languages 201 navzs, a ship navay, ships navzs, of a ship navtum, of the ships to a ship r&vibus, to the ships Enghsh equivalents for different case-forms of the Latin for a ship or ships* as printed above, are those given in text-books, and the truth is that text-books conceal the worst from the beginner Correct choice of case-endings in a typical amalgamating language does not always depend on whether the Enghsh equivalent would have a particle such as of or to in front of it The Latin case-ending is much more versatile than in the corresponding Magyar one The dattve navi turns up m many situations where we cannot translate it by to a ship, and there is no simple rule which tells us what ending to tack on a Latin noun in one of several dative situations Compare, for instance, the following with the pre- ceding examples porta, a gate portal, gates portae, of a gate portarwra, of the gates portae, to a gate portzs, to the gates Comparison of the case-forms of these two nouns emphasizes the irregularity of derivatives in an amalgamating language Though English is no longer an amalgamating language and is now remarkably regular in comparison with its nearest neighbours, there is no single way in which the plural of all Enghsh nouns is formed, and there is no single way in which the past of all Enghsh verbs is formed We can arrange Enghsh nouns in families like man-mouse or pan-house, according to the way in which we derive their plural forms, and verbs in families such as sing-dnnk, thirik-bnng> hve-bdkes according to the way in which we derive the past tense In a typical amalgamating language we have to reckon with many noun families (declensions) and many verb families (conjugations) Each declension has its own type of case- as well as plural-formation. Each conjugation has its own way of building person time, mood, and voice derivatives The two most characteristic features which distinguish languages of the amalgamating from languages of the agglutinating type may there- fore be summed up in this way Amalgamating languages have many derivatives arbitrarily chosen by custom in situations connected by no common thread of meaning, and many different ways of forming the derivative appropriate to a single context in accordance with meaning or conventional usage The table manners of an agglutinating language are unassuming You use a spoon because a spoon is the tool appro- G*