The Classification of Languages 193 with little plausibility about their evolutionary past. Besides about ten great groups, such as vertebrates and arthropods, embracing the majority of animal species, there are many small ones made up of few species, isolated from one another and from the members of any of the larger divisions So it is with languages. Thus Japanese, Korean, Manchu, Mongolian, each stand outside any recognized families as isolated units We have seen that most of the inhabitants of Europe speak languages with common features These common features justify the recognition of a single great Indo-European family Besides the Romance or Latin and the Teutonic languages mentioned in the preceding pages, the Indo-European family includes several other well-defined groups, such as the Celtic (Scots Gaelic, Erse, Welsh, Breton) in the West, and the Slavonic (Russian, Polish, Czech and Slovak, Bulgarian and Serbo- Croatian) in the East of Europe, together with the Indo-Iraman lan- guages spoken by the inhabitants of Persia and a large part of India Lithuanian (with its sister dialect, Latvian), Greek, Albanian, and Armenian are isolated members of the same family The Indo-European or Aryan group does not include all existing European languages Finnish, Magyar, Esthoman and Lappish have common features which have led linguists to place them in a separate group called the Ftnno-Ugrian family So far as we can judge at present, Turkish, which resembles several Central Asiatic languages (Tartar. Uzbeg, Kirgiz), belongs to neither of the two families mentioned, and Basque, still spoken on the French and Spanish sides of the Pyrenees, has no clear affinities with any other language in the world Long before modern language research established the unity of the Aryan family, Jewish scholars recognized the similarities of Arabic. Hebrew and Aramaic which are representatives of a Semitic family The Semitic family also includes the fossil languages of the Phoenicians and Assyro-Babylomans The languages of China, Tibet, Burma and Siam constitute a fourth great language family Like the Semitic, the Indo- Chinese family has an indigenous literature In Central and Southern Africa other languages such as Luganda, Swahili, Kafir, Zulu, have been associated in a Bantu unit which does not include those of the Bushmen and Hottentots In Northern Africa Somali, Galla and Berber show similarities which have forced linguists to recognize a Hamitic family To this group ancient Egyptian also belongs A Dravidian family in- cludes Southern Indian languages, which have no relation to the Aryan vernaculars of India. Yet another major family with dear-cut features G