The Classification of Languages 183 is indebted to the other. This apphes to word-similanties which the Celuc and Teutonic gioups do not share with other Aryan languages The common woids of this class are all nouns, some of which are TENSES OF THE VERB BE IN ROMANCE LANGUAGES (PRONOUNS ONLY USED FOR EMPHASIS IN BRACKETS) ENGLISH BRENCH SPANISH LATIN ITALIAN ' I am je suts (yo) soy (ego) sum (10) sono 4-J thou art tu es (tu) eres (tu) es (tu) sei S he is il est (cl)es (ille) est (egh) e we are nous sommes (nosotros) somos (nos) sumus (noi) siamo cu you are vous Cte^ (vosotros) sois (vob) estis (voi) siete ^ they are ils sont (ellos) son (illi) sunt (essi) sono 4-1 I was (used to j'etais era eram ero o be) £ thou wert tu 6tai^ eras eias en K§ he was ti Man era erat era we were nous etiont eranios eramus eravamo $ you were vous etiez erais eratib eravate p. ..they were ils itaient eran erant erano 0 'I was je fas fuf fui fui a thou weit tu fab fiuste fuusti tosti wis saremo & you will be vous sere-i seieis t,rit>i> sarete ^they will be lib seiont scran ci unt saranno (ro) BE JtfRF SEE ESSE ESSERE names for metals, tools and vehicles. This does not indicate that there is a particulaily close evolutionary relationship between Celtic and Teutonic in the sense defined above Other features show that a wide gulf separates them. Archaeological evidence suggest* that the Teutons took over words with die arts they assimilated from Celtic communities at a higher cultural level