The Classification of Languages 181 This happened within a few years of the publication of Button's Theory of the Earth, a book which challenged the Mosaic account of the creation Custodians of die Pentateuch were alarmed by the prospect that Sanskrit would bring down the Tower of Babel. To anticipate the danger, they pilloried Sanskrit as a priestly fraud, a kind of pidgin-classic concocted by Brahmins from Greek and Latin ele- ments William Jones, himself a scholar of unimpeachable piety, had to make the secular confession "I can only declare my belief that the language of Noah is irretrievably lost After diligent search I cannot find a single word used in common by the Arabian, Indian, and Tartar families, before the admixture of these dialects occasioned by the Mahommedan conquests " Together with tea and coffee, Napoleon's blockade of England with- held from the Continent Sanskrit grammars and dictionaries which English scholars were now busy turning out Fortunately the Btbho- theque Nationals in Pans possessed Sanskrit texts Pans had in custody Hamilton, an Enghshman who enhvened his involuntary sojourn in the French capital by giving private lessons in Sanskrit One of his pupils was a brilliant young German, Fnednch Schlegel In 1808, Schlegel published a little book, Uber die Sprache und Weishett der Inder (On the Language and Philosophy of the Indians) This put Sanskrit on the Continental map Much that is in Schlegel's book makes us smile to-day, perhaps most of all the author's dictum that Sanskrit is the mother of all languages None the less, it was a turning- point in the scientific study of language In a single sentence which boldly prospects the field of future research, Schlegel exposes the new impetus which came from contemporary progress of naturalistic studies "Comparative grammar will give us entirely new information on the genealogy of language, m exactly the same way in which comparative anatomy has thrown light upon the natural history " The study of Latin in the Middle Ages had preserved a secure basis for this evolutionary approach to the study of other languages, because the Latin parentage of modern French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Rumanian is an historically verifiable fact Unfortunately, history has not been so obliging as to preserve the parent of the Teutonic and the Slavonic groups. To be sure, the present differences between Dutch, German, and the Scandinavian languages diminish as we go back in time Still, differences remain when we have retraced our steps