Syntax—The Traffic Rules of Language 171 expressions, with burial of dead metaphors, and with rules of word- order to prevent ambiguity or loss of interest. Syntax, as writers on "semantics" so often forget, is concerned with far more than the problem of meaning The use of language is a social activity which involves a hearer or reader as well as a speaker or writer So the art of writing implies the power to grip the attention, and sustain the interest, of the reader Prolixity, pomposity, and evasion of direct statement are characteristics of writing most inimical to sustained interest, and any one who is willing to take the trouble can learn to avoid bad writing in this sense Brilliant writing may be a gift, but the power to write simple, lucid, and compelling English lies within the power of any intelligent person who has grown up to speak it One important thing to know about the art of writing is that effective and lucid writing is hatd work A fust draft is never perfect, and a good writer is essentially a good self-editor. Indiscriminate exercises in precis are far less helpful than the deliberate application of rules based on the recognition of standard forms of prolixity to which even the best authors are prone If we apply a few fixed rules we can generally reduce a prose paragraph taken at random from any English classic by thirty or forty per cent without departing a hair's breadth from the meaning. The important ones are * (a) condensation of participial expressions; (6) elimination of impersonal formulae; (c) translation of the roundabout passive into direct or active form, (d) cutting out circumlocutions for which a single particle suffices; (e) rejection of the% unless absolutely necessary. One useful recipe for concise writing is to give every participle the once- over in a first draft The sun having arisen, then invites the shorter sub- stitute, after sunrise If we are on the look-out for the passive fprm of statement as another incitement to boredom, we shall strike out the expression it will be seen from the foregoing figures, and substitute the snappier., more arresting active equivalent, the foregoing figures show you The last example suggests another general recipe indicated m the last paragraph. The remoteness of the college cloister has cumbered the Enghsh language with a litter of impersonal constructions which defeat the essentially social character of communication m writing by creating the impression that a statement is for the benefit of the author and the Deity alone Thus the intrusive it of the subject-predicate fetish is another danger-signal in a first draft It would thus seem that, or it would thus appear that, for seemingly or apparently, which do the same job when really necessary," are representative exhibits for the prosecution. They should go to the same limbo as it is said that (some people soy), it is true that (admittedly)) the completely redundant it is this That, and the analo-