H4 The Loom of Language six forms couesponding to the two this and these three singular, thor (to go with words of the actor class), thes* (to go with words of the act* ess class), tint (to go with words like pit), and three corresponding plurals than, thessc^, and tints This gives you a picture of two out of three sets of disguises m the waxdrobe of the Old English adjective The foreigner who tried to speak Old English correctly had to choose the right gender as well as the right number form of a noun, and many so-called masculine, feminine, or neuter nouns had no label like die -or of actor> the -ess of actress, or the -it of pit to guide the choice. Below K> an illustration of the four forms of the French adjective. GOKKE&PQNDING CORRESPONDING PRONOUN PRONOUN le giard homme il le grand mur il the great man he the big wall it la grande lemme elle la grande table elle the great woman die the big table it Because sex is all that is left of gender in English we must not fall into the nap of assuming that the chaotic system of labelling nouns, pronouns^ and adjectives as masculine, feminine, common, or neuter forms HI other languages arose because of animistic preoccupation with sex at a more primitive level of culture. This is not hkely A more plausible view will emerge when we have learned something more about the languages of backward peoples such as the Australian abori- gines, Trobnand Islanders, or Bantu. Meajawhile, let us be dear about one thing Although many nouns classified by grammarians as masculine and feminine may shaie the same suffixes (or prefixes) as ntttve? names (e.g actor-actress) for males and females, the older sex pairs of the Aryan languages, such as father-mother, bull-cow^ hone-mare* boar- sow, ram-ewe in English, carry no sex label Even when they stand for adult human beings, the so-called masculine and feminine iorms of the pronoun do not invariably replace nouns of the class which their name suggests Thus the German word Wctb (woman) is neuter, i e, the pronoun which takes its place is the neuter e$y not the feminine sie (sJhe). Since names for objects carry no gender label such as the ~e$s m actress m most Aryan languages, gender flexion is not necessarily a characteristic of the noun as such. It is the trade-mark of the adjective. When there is no gender flexion, as in English, comparison is the only basis for a clear-cut distraction between adjective and noun. Since we can indicate which adjective refers to a particular noun by its position immediately before (English) or after (French) the latter, it jjoes