io8 The Loom of Language among clockless people into whose nomadic experience the sun-dials and clepsydras of the ancient Mediterranean priesthoods had not yet intruded. Again and again history has pronounced its judgment upon the merits of such flexions in culture contacts through trade, conquest, or the migrations of peoples International intercourse compels those who speak an inflected language to introduce the words which make the flexions useless If the flexions persist as mummies in the mausoleum of a nation's literature, a large part of its intellectual energy is devoted to the pursuit of grammatical studies which are merely obstructive, while the gap between popular speech and that of highly educated people prevents the spread of technical knowledge essential to intelligent citizenship In nearly (see p. 419) all languages of the Indo-European family personal flexion is confined to the class of words called verbs y and tense flexion is exclusively characteristic of them We can still recognize as verbs some English words which have no tense flexion by the personal ending;, ~$3 as in cuts, or ~mg> as m hurting, but some helpers (may* can> shall) have neither -s nor -ing forms The outlines of the verb as a class of English words have now become famt In written Swedish, the verb has one ending common to the first, second, and third person singular and another ending common to the first, second, and third person plural This process of levelling is still going on in Swedish Only the singular ending is customarily used m speech or correspondence There is no trace of personal flexion m Danish and Norwegian, NUMBER Owing to accidental uniformities which have accompanied the levelling down of the personal flexion, grammar books sometimes refer to the number flexion of the verb. What is more properly called number flexion is characteristic of the class of words called nouns. In most modern European languages, number flexion, illustrated by the dis- tinction between ghost and ghosts,> or man and men9 simply tells us whether we are talking of one or more than one creature, thing, quality, or group. The terms singular and plural stand for the two forms* The singular form is the dictionary word: Some of the older Indo-European languages, e.g, Sanskrit and early Greek, had dual forms, as if we were to write catwo for two catst in contradistinction to one cat or several cats, In the English spoken at the time of Alfred the Great, the personal pronoun still had dual, as well as singular and plural forms. The dual form persists in Icelandic, which is a surviving fossil language, as the duck-bill platypus of Tasmania is a surviving fossil animal. At one twuc