100 The Loom oj Language and it is still customary in one group of Aryan languages. This group, called the Celtic family, furnishes suggestive evidence for the belief that the personal flexions which do the work of the absent pronoun in Latin or Greek were originally separate pronouns placed after the verb The Celtic languages, which include Welsh, Gaelic, Irish, and Breton, have several peculiarities (p. 416) which distinguish them from all other members of the Indo-European group In Celtic languages, words which are equivalent to a Latin "verb" may or may not have personal flexions In Old Iiish, as, which corresponds to our is (spelt m the same way in Erse,1 e modem Irish) has two forms, one used with the pronoun placed ajter«/, and a contracted form corresponding to our I'm (=s 'tis me who) in which we can recognize the agglutinated part as we stiU recognize the not in dont, shant^ wont, or cant The two forms are in the table below OLD HUSH II1HUANIAN SANSKRU Extended Foxm Conn acted B1BIL INGLISI! esnu asiru as me am I am CSSl a&i i$9 are> wass were., bey being, been)* The English or Erse am or im is an agglutinative contraction from the ES root, like the German sind (Latin sunt) The BE-BA-BO-BU root of being and been turns up again in Russian, Welsh, or Gaelic, and m the German and Dutch ich bin or ik hen (I am). The AR-ER root which