Accidence—The Table Manners of Language 95 these derivatives they form Thus nouns and pronouns have number and case flexion; verbs have tense, person., voice, and mood flexions. Words which do not have such derivatives are called particles. The distinction between these classes would be meaningless, if we tried to apply it to Chinese For reasons which we shall now see, it is almost meaningless when we try to classify English words in the same way. The number of flexional derivatives in the older languages of the Indo-European family is enormous. In English comparable derivatives are relatively few, and are chiefly confined to flexions of number, time, person, and comparison. Formation of the derivative houses (external) or lice (internal) from house or louse illustrates flexion of number. The derivatives bound (internal) and loved (external) from bind and love illustrate tense flexion Person flexion turns up only in the addition of -s to a verb c g the change as from bind to binds. Comparison is the derivation of happier and happiest, or wiser and wisest, from happy and wise English has a few relics oi case (e g he, him, his), and a trace of mood (p. 119) flexion Flexion of gender has disappeared altogether, and voice flexion never existed in our own language Knowing the names for the flexions does not help us to speak or to write correct English, because few survive, and we learn these few in childhood. What it does help us to do is to learn languages in which the flexional system of the old Indo-European languages has decayed far less than in English or in its Eastern counterpart, modern Persian. The study of how they have arisen, and of circumstances which have contri- buted to their decay, also helps us to see characteristics to incorporate in a world medium which is easy to learn without being hable to mis- understanding. FLEXION OF PERSON It is best to start with flexions of person and tense, because we have more information about the way in which such flexions have arisen or can arise than we have about the origin of number, case, gender, and comparison Peison flexion is probably die older of the two, Smce something of the same sort is cropping up again, (p. 99), it is easy to guess how it began. Unlike tense, voice, number, and comparison, flexion of person is absolutely useless in many modern European lan- guages. All that remains of it in our own language is the final s of a verb which follows certain words such as he, she, it, or the names of single things, living beings, groups or qualities, eg, in such more or less intelligible statements as Jie bakes, she types, or love conquers all The