CHAPTER III ACCIDENCE-THE TABLE MANNERS OF LANGUAGE MEN built hotels for celestial visitors before they devoted much in- genuity to their own housing problems The temple observatories of the calendar priests, and the palaces of their supposedly sky-born rulers, are among the earliest and are certainly the most endunng monuments of architecture In the dawn of civilization, when agri- culture had become an established practice, the impulse to leave a record in building and m decoration went hand in hand with the need for a store-house of nightly observations on the stars and a record of the flocks and crops. So writing of some sort is the signal that civiliza- tion has begun The beginning of writing is also the beginning of our first-hand knowledge of language Our fragmentary information about the speech-habits of mankind extends over about 4,000 of the 80,000 or more years since true speech began We know nothing about human speech between the time when the upright ape first used sounds to co-operate in work or defence, and the tuneVhen people began to write. It is therefore unwise to draw conclusions about the birth of language from the very short period which furnishes us with facts We can be certain of one thing If we had necessary information for tracing the evolution of human speech in relation to human needs and man's changing social environment, we should not approach the task of classifying sounds as the orthodox grammarian docs The recognition of words as units of speech has grown hand m hand with the elaboration of script In the prehterate millennia of the human story, social needs which prompted men to take statements to pieces would arise only m connexion with difficulties of young children, and through contacts with migrant or warring tribes We can be quite sure that primitive man used gestures liberally to convey his meaning So a classification of the elements of language appropriate to a primitive level of human communication might plausibly take shape m a fourfold division as follows * * Grammarians have oscillated between two views According to one3 primi- tive speech was made up of discrete monosyllables like Chinese, Vnder the influence of Jespersen and his disciples, the pendulum has now swung to the