Introduction 41 out of it as a self-educator, the wisest plan is to read it through quickly After getting a bird's-eye view, the reader can then settle down to detailed study with pen, paper, and a book-marker for reference backwards or forwards to tables printed in some other context, as indicated by the cross-references throughout the succeeding chapters. Pen (or pencil) and paper are essential helps We are most apt to forget what we take in by ear, least likely to forget what we learn by touch No one who has learned to swim or cycle forgets the trick of doing so The languages which we shall study in greatest detail to illustrate the way in which languages giow belong to the Teutonic and Romance groups, placed in the great Indo-European family The latter also con- tarns the Slavonic group to which Russian belongs, the Celtic^ in which Welsh and Erse are placed, and the Indo-Iraman group, which includes Persian and numerous languages of India The Teutonic group is made up of German, Dutch, and the Scandinavian dialects The Romance languages, such as French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian, are all descendants of Latin English is essentially a Teutonic language which has assimilated an enormous number of woids of Latin origin So Teutonic or Romance languages have most in common with English Fortunately for us they include all the languages spoken by the nearest neighbours of English-speaking peoples on the continents of Europe and America. The reader, who has not yet realized how languages, like different species of animals or plants, differ from and resemble one another, will find it helpful to browse among the exhibits set out as tables throughout The Loom. Above all, the home student will find it ^helpful to loiter in the corridors of the home museum which makes up the fourth part of the book On its shelves there is ample material for getting clear insight into the characteristics which French, Spanish, and Itahan share with their Latin parent, as also of features common to the Teutonic family. One shelf of exhibits shows Greek words which are the bricks of an international vocabulary of technical terms in the age of hydroelectricity and synthetic plastics The diversion which the reader of the Loom can get from noticing differences and detecting essential word simi- larities in adjacent columns in the light of laws of language growth set forth elsewhere (Chapters V and VI) will help to fix items of an essential vocabulary with a minimum of tedium and effort One of the difficulties which besets the home student who starts to learn a new language is the large number of grammatical terms used in most text-books. The object of the four chapters that follow is to show