36 The Loom of Language for writing, some for writing and speaking, others for reading as well That many rules about correct writing deal with vestiges which have ceased to have any function in the living language does not mean that writing demands a knowledge of more grammar than reading, It signifies that it calls for more knowledge of a particular type Compli- cated rules for the use of many French derivatives are not essential for self-expression because we can dispense with them as we dispense with the English derivative day's For reading we need a nodding acquaintance with many rules which we are not compelled to use when writing or speaking The difficulties of learning the essential minimum of rules which are helpful from any point of view have been multiplied a thousandfold FIG, 5 —BILINGUAL SEAL OF KING TARQUMUWA, A Hurras KING The Hittite language was probably Aryan The seal shows cuneiform syllabic signs round the margin and pictograms m the centre. (See also Fig 9 ) by a practice which has its roots in the Latin scholarship of the human- ists, and in the teaching of Greek in schools of the Reformation. As explained in Chapter III, Latin and Greek form large classes of derivative words of two main types called conjugations (p. 107) and declensions (p 115), The rules embodied m these conjugations and declensions tell you much you need to know in order to translate classical authors with the help of a dictionary. Grammarians who had spent their lives in learning them, and using them, carried over the same tnck into the teaching of languages of a different type. They ransacked the literature of living languages to find examples of similarities which they could also arrange in systems of declensions and conjugations, and they did so without regard to whether we really need to know them, or if so, in what circumstances. The words which do not form such derivatives,