Introduction 33 mate EVEN IN a single month the departure FROM simple elliptic motion is QUITE appreciable, OWING CHIEFLY TO the disturbance called the Variation The disturbance known AS the Evection causes the eccentricity TO change APPRE- CIABLY FROM month TO month FURTHER, the motions described cause the xoughly elliptical orbit TO change its position. The complete investigation OF these changes belongs TO the domain OF gravitational astronomy It will be necessary HERE TO enumerate the chief perturbations ON account OF the important part they play IN determining the circumstances OF eclipses In these selections words belonging to the class called particles are in capital letters. If you count the various classes of words* you can tabulate your results as follows: Dream of Mathematical John Ball Astronomy Words of Latin or Greek origin 11 per cent 30 per cent Particles .. . . .31 per cent 27 per cent Though the sources of the figures are so different m content,, and though they use such a different stock in trade of words, they contain almost exactly the same number of particles, i e. 29 ± 2 per cent, or nearly a third of the total. A similar estimate would not be far out for languages spoken by our nearest European neighbours Since more than a quarter of the words we meet on the printed page are particles, it is interesting to ask how many essential, and how many common, particles we need or meet For two reasons it is impossible to cite absolute figures. One is that people who speak some languages make distinctions which others do not recognize Thus a Swede or a Frenchman has to use different words for the Enghsh before according as it signifies at an earlier time than, or in front of Apart from this, some common particles are synonymous in a particular context, as when we substitute as or since for the more explicit link-word because. With due allowance to these considerations, we may put the number of essential particles at less than one hundred, and the total number which we commonly meet in speech or reading at less than two hundred This leads us to a very simple recipe for getting ahead quickly with the task of biulding up a word-list which will suffice for self-expression It also shows us how to reduce by more than 25 per cent the tedium of continual reference to a dictionary when we first begin to read. Our first concern, and it is usually the last thing grammar books help us to do, should be what a foreigner has to do when he starts to learn Basic English. We should begin our study of a modern European language B