32 The Loom of Language mobile, which are sometimes the same and often similar in different languages, they are difficult to guess The same remarks apply to link- words such as and, but, when, because, or, and to a large class of words called adverbs, such as often, again, perhaps, soon, here, forward These three groups of words together make up the class which grammarians call particles Since they are essential words for clear statement, and are not the sort of words of which we can guess the meaning, it is interest- ing to know how many of them there are, and how frequently they occur. Comparison of two passages printed below illustrates a type of experiment which the reader can repeat with other materials, if or when able to recognize words put in this class The first (a) is from the Dream of John Ball, by William Morris. The second (b) is from Elementary Mathematical Astronomy, by Barlow and Bryan So the sources represent widely different types of expression and charac- teristics of our language In describing the arrival of one of Wyckfle's poor preachers, Morris tries to follow the essentially Teutonic idiom of the people for whom Wychffe translated the Bible The text-book specimen uses many words which are entirely foreign to the English of Wycliffe's Bible, or to the later version dedicated to James I They come, directly or indirectly, from Latin or Greek sources, chiefly from the former. In each passage, words which cannot be traced back to the blending of Teutonic dialects in English before the Norman Conquest, are in italics. (a) BUT WHEN John Ball FIRST mounted the steps OF the crow, a lad AT some one's bidding had run OFF TO stop the ringers, AND SO PRESENTLY the voice OF the bells fell dead, leaving ON men's minds that sense OF blankness OR EVEN disappointment which is ALWAYS caused BY the sudden stopping OF a sound one lias got used TO AND found pleasant BUT a great expectation had fallen BY NOW ON all that throng, AND NO word was spoken EVEN IN a whisper, AND all hearts AND eyes were fixed UPON the dark figure standing straight UP NOW BY the tall white shaft OF the cross, his hands stretched OUT BEFORE him, one palm laid UPON the other AND FOR me AS (I) made ready TO hearken, (I) felt a joy IN my soul that I had NEVER YET kit (b) AS the result OF observations extending OVER a large number OF lunar months, it is found that the moon does NOT describe EXACTLY the same ellipse OVER AND OVER AGAIN, AND that THEREFORE the laws Mated are ONLY approxi-