Introduction 31 what other words do we need in order to define something when we do not already know the right word for it? For example, we can define a plough as the machine we make use of to get the ground ready for the seed. For ordinary circumstances this will make sufficiently clear what we are talking or writing about If not, we can elaborate our definition by using other general words like machine, or verbs like make and get> which serve for all sorts of definitions In Basic English there are only sixteen of these verbs to learn If we use only words in the 850-word list, it may take us a little longer than otherwise to explain what we mean; but the result is still correct, simple and lucid English. Indeed., the fact that we have to examine the precise meaning of words which do not occur in the list compels us to be more precise than we might otherwise be. It is possible to go so far with so few words in good English because a large number of words which belong to the verb class are not essential We do not need burn, finish, err> because we can make a fire of, make an end of, make a mistake about We do not need to fly in an aeroplane, drive in a cafy cycle on a bicycle, travel in a train, nde on a horse, or walk It is enough to say that we go on foot, on a horse, or in a vehicle For straightforward, intelligible and correct statement in other Euro- pean languages, we have to add between 300 and 600 words of the verb class to our hst of essential words. This thrifty use of verbs is a peculiar characteristic of English and of the Celtic group among Euiopean languages Where a Swede uses a different verb, when a child goes in a tram, and when a tiain goes> or when an aviator goes up, and when he goes across the road, one English word suffices. If we also make allowance for the usefulness of having single ordinary names for common objects not included in the Basic Word-List, a vocabulary of less than two thousand words is sufficient for fluent self-expression in any European tongue This is less than a tenth of the vocabulary which we meet when reading novels indiscriminately So reading is a very laborious way of getting the thorough knowledge of the iclauvely few words we need when speaking or writing. One of the reasons why Basic is so thrifty in its use of verbs is that we can do much in English by combining some verbs with another class of words called directives We do so when we substitute go in for enter> go up for a*cendt go on for continue^ go by foi pas$9 go through for traverse^ go off for leave, and go away for depart. In modern European languages, these words recur constantly There is a relatively small number of them Unlike nouns (name-words), such as tram or auto-