'J ANTENATAL PATHOLOGY AND HYGIENE PRINTED TOR WILLIAM GREEN & SONS 1SV .MORRISON AND GIISB LIMITED October 1904. *p MANUAL OF ANTENATAL PATHOLOGY AND HYGIENE THE EMBRYO BY J. W. BALLANTYNE, M.D.: F.R.C.P.E., F.R.S.Edin. LECTURER ON .MIDWIFERY AND GYNECOLOGY, MEDICAL COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, AND SURGEONS' HALL, EDINBURGH ; EXAMINER IN MIDWIFERY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH ; PHYSICIAN, ROYAL MATERNITY AND SIMPSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, EDINBURGH; HONORARY FELLOW OF THE GLASGOW OBSTETRICAL AND GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY, AND OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS. EDINBURGH WILLIAM GREEN & PUBLISHERS 1904 SONS PREFACE The companion volume to this, which appeared in 1902, dealt specially with the diseases of the fcetus ; this is concerned with the pathology of the embryo, and, to a small extent, with the morbid tendencies of the germ. The two volumes are intended to give the reader an idea of the whole extent and variety of the pathological processes of antenatal life. The pathology of the embryo is practically synonymous with the subject of Teratology, or at least with that part of it which deals with single as distinguished from double monsters. Now, Teratology may be studied in three different ways : a simple description may be given of the various monstrosities, with regard to their anatomy, physiology, social and economic results, and the like ; or teratological phenomena may be used for the purpose of explaining embryological problems or as a means of clearing up difficulties in the domain of foetal physiology ; or, finally, the whole subject may be approached from the side of causation, and attention be focused upon the genetic aspects of abnormal formations. While not neglecting the first and second methods of study, I have endeavoured to specialise the third plan ; for, after all, the most important matter is to reach a solution of the problem of causation, because, if that be reached, there begins to be hope that preventive treatment may be discovered. In my opiniou, therefore, Chapters VII. to XII., which discuss teratogenesis on general principles, are the most important of all. The greater part of this volume, then, is given to the considera- tion of the pathology of the embryo, and only three chapters at the end are set aside for the pathology of the germinal period of life. This fact requires a word or two of explanation. I had originally intended to treat the pathology of the germ, which may, roughly speaking, be regarded as synonymous with double monsters and morbid heredity, on the same scale of completeness as that of the foetus and embryo ; but this, I soon found, would have entailed the writing of a third volume not much smaller in size than the present. vi PREFACE For such a task I have not the time, even if I have the ability, which I doubt. I determined, therefore, simply to present in Chapters XXXI., XXXII., and XXXIII. a very brief sketch of the plan I had drawn out for the treatment of this division of the whole subject. If it do no more, it will serve to give an idea of the morbid processes which may be believed to be initiated or determined in germinal life. The importance of these may be estimated when it is said that I believe that they include the double monsters (both symmetrical and asymmetrical), most neoplasms, plural births, and the mysterious phenomena of morbid heredity. I wish, however, to emphasise the fact that I am giving only a sketch and not a fully tilled-in picture of this important section of antenatal pathology. I have paid special attention to the bibliographical notices and references, and, as in the first volume, I have tried as far as possible to give the reader references which themselves contain literature li>is. I have endeavoured to verify all these, and to give for each the volume, the page, and the year of publication ; this has been a task of great magnitude, and unaided I should have been forced to abandon it, but, with the help of the Index Catalogue of Washington, the Index Medicos, and Tarufti's fine work (Storia delta teratologic) in eight volumes, it has been accomplished. The reader will never know how many inaccurate references have been corrected, and how many weary hours have been spent in putting right the errors which greater care on the part of earlier writers would have prevented. Here is a single example and a glaring one. In Tarufti's Storia (vol. vi. p. 149) I found a reference to the case of a woman who had given birth to six anencephalic foetuses; it was Adam Mencer, A. Medical Times <<,,8 CHAPTER XII The Embryological Theory in Teratogenesis: Historical Sketch of the Theory ; Embryology an Explanation of Teratology ; Arrested Develop- ment; the Amniotic Factor in Teratogenesis; Experimental Terato- geny in the hands of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Allen Thomson, Panum, Schrohe, Lombard ini, Dareste, F6re, and others ; the Germinal Factor : Summary ......... 203 CONTENTS xi CHAPTER XIII ClassiH cation of Teratology : Historical Sketch of the Systems of Empe- docles, Obsequens, Lycosthenes, St. Isidore, Weinrichius, Schenkius, Aldrovaudus, Licetus, Huber, Haller, Buffon, Malacarne, Penada, Meckel, Breschet, Charvet, Saint-Hilaire, Gurlt, Otto, Bischoff, Sangalli, Forster, Davaine, Billard, Ahlfeld, Cleland, Hirst and Piersol, and Thompson Lowne ; Difficulties of Teratological Taxonomy ; "Connecting Links" ; Taruffi's System of Classification ; Teratological Nomenclature ; the Author's Classification based upon Taruffi's ; Special Teratology of Embryonic Life, and of Germinal . . 225 CHAPTER XIV Teratological Types : The Types and their Bibliographies : Microsomia or Dwarfism ; Growth Processes ; Embryonic, Foetal, and Postnatal Micro- somia ; Generalisations ; Literature : Macrosomia or Giantism ; Em- bryonic, Fcetal, and Postnatal ; Literature : Unilateral Macrosomia or Hemihypertrophy : Unilateral Microsomia or Hemi-atrophy . . 240 CHAPTER XV Teratological Types : Merosomatous Terata : Partial Macrosomia affecting (1) the head and face, (2) the extremities, and (3) one extremity or part of an extremity ; Pathogenesis and Treatment : Partial Microsomia ........ 263 CHAPTER XVI Teratological Types : Merosomatous Terata (cunt.) : Monstrosities affecting the Spine and Head : Iniencephaly ; Definition ; Illustrative Instances ; Morbid Anatomy and Clinical History ; Associated Malformations ; Teratogenesis ; Literature ...... 272 CHAPTER XVII Merosomatous Terata (cont.) : Malformations affecting the Spine ; Spina Bifida or Rhachischisis ; Synonyms ; Varieties ; Holo-Rhachischisis ; Mero-Rhachischisis ; Spina Bifida Occulta ; Localised Rhachischisis without a Sac ; Spina Bifida with Rachicele ; Morbid Anatomy ; Teratogenesis ; Treatment ; Bibliography .... 285 CHAPTER XVIII Merosomatous Terata (cont.) : Malformations of the Spine (cont.) : Minor Types of Spinal Deformity; Spinal Curvature ; Scoliosis; Cyphosis ; Lordosis ; Spinal Retroflexion ; Spondylolisthesis ; Numerical Anomalies in Vertebrae ; Fusion of Neighbouring Vertebrae ; Assimilation ; Fcetus Anurus ; " Tails " ; Tailed Races ; Sporadic Cases of Homo Caudatus ; Spurious Tails ; True Tails, Varieties, Complications, Teratogenesis ; Sacral Dimples and Infundibula ; Miscellaneous Malformations of the Spine ; Malformations of the Spinal Cord(Double Central Canal; Hetero- topia of White and Grey Matter ; Hydromyelia and Syringomyelia) . 310 xii CONTENTS CHAPTEB XIX PAGE Merosomatous Terata {cont.) : Malformations of the Cranium ; Anencephaly or Acrania; Definition; Nomenclature; Historical Notes; Clinical Details; Morbid Anatomy, Cranial Vault, Varieties of Defect, Face, Basis Cranii, Cerebral Structures, Eyes, Spinal Cord, Suprarenal Capsules, Sectional Appearances, Musculus Sternalis; Associated Mal- formations ; Teratogenesis ; Literature ..... 332 CHAPTER .XX Merosomatous Terata (cont.) : Malformations of the Cranium. Cephalocele : Definition, Synonyms, Historical Note, Clinical History, Morbid Anatomy, Position, Sac, Foramen, Contents (Hydro - meningocele, Encephalocele, Hydro-eneephalocele, Hydro-meningo-encephalocele), Basis Cranii, Associated Malformations, Comparative Teratology, Teratogenesis. Hydrocephalus : Varieties, Definition, Clinical History, Morbid Anatomy, Associated Malformations, Surgical Treatment. Microcephalia : Definition, Historical Note, Clinical History, Morbid Anatomy (Cranium, Brain, Varieties, Other Parts, Associated Mal- formations), Teratogenesis, Surgical Treatment. Miscellaneous Mal- formations (Cranial Perforations, Porencephaly, etc.). Omphalocephaly (Dareste) ......... 352 CHAPTER XXI Merosomatous Terata (cont.) : Malformations of the Face and Mouth ; Genal Fissures ; Definition, Synonyms, Clinical Details, Morbid Anatomy, Varieties (Fronto-maxillary, Intermaxillary, Anomalous), Teratogenesis, I 'omparative Teratology : Median Fissure of the Face, of Upper Lip, of Nose, of Lower Lip : Hare-lip ; Definition, Synonyms, Clinical History, Morbid Anatomy, Varieties (Unilateral, Bilateral, Simple, Complicated, Fissure of Jaw, Cleft Palate), other Associated Malformations, Comparative Teratology, Teratogenesis, Treatment: Fistula of Lower Lip : Fissure of the Tongue : Miscellaneous Mal- formations of the Face (Asymmetry, Brachyrhynchus, Cranium IVogenium, Prognathism) and Mouth (Synchelia, Synechia', Tongue- Tie, Microstomia, Microglossia, Distomus, Macrostomia, Achelia, Brachychelia, Microchelia, Macrochilia, Dicheilus, Macroglossia, Con- genital Teeth) . . . . . . . .373 CHAPTER XXII Merosomatous Terata (out.): Malformations of the Eyes and Nose ; Cyclopia: Definition, Historical Note, Clinical History, Morbid Anatomy (Eye, Nasal Apparatus, Facial Rones, Cranium and Brain, Associated Malformations), Comparative Teratology, Teratogenesis, Literature ; Cebocephalus ; Trigonocepbalus ; Cryptophthalmus ; Anophthalmias ; Microphthalmia ; Hydropnthalmus ; Coloboma of Eyelid ; Miscellane- ous Malformations of tin- Eyelids (MicroUepharon, Blepharophimosis, Polyblepharon, Ectropion, Entropion, Distichiasis, Epicanthus, Ptosis Congenita) ; .Malformations of the Lachrymal Apparatus, Cornea, Iris, Choroid, Retina, Lens, and Vitreous : Miscellaneous Malformations of tbe Nose ......... 393 CONTENTS xiii CHAPTER XXIII Merosomatous Terata (eont.) : Malformations of the Lower Jaw and Ear ; Nomenclature and Classification ; Micrognathus ; Agnathus ; Cyclotia ; Aprosopus ; Absence of External Ear ; Preauricular Appendages ; Fistula Auris Congenita ; Minor Malformations of the Pinna and of its various Parts (Helix, Anti-helix, Tragus, etc.) ; Distomus and Accessory Maxilla; ....... 423 CHAPTER XXIV Merosomatous Terata (cont.) : Malformations of the Neck : Fistula Colli ; Definition ; History ; Varieties (Lateral, Median, Supra-hyoidean, Infra-hyoidean, Complete, Incomplete) ; Morbid Anatomy ; Associ- ated Malformations ; Teratogenesis ; Literature : Cervical Auricles : Cervical Cysts : Cystic Hygroma of the Neck : Cysts of the Thyroid and of Aberrant Thyroids : Median Fissure of the Neck : Cervical Patagium : Cervical Ribs : Malformations of the (Esophagus : Mal- formations of the Larynx and Epiglottis : Muscular Anomalies of the Neck ......... 450 CHAPTER XXV Merosomatous Terata (cont.) : Malformations of the Thorax : Anomalies of the Clavicle (Absence, Incomplete Development, Bifurcation) ; Anomalies of the Scapula (Foramina, Projections, Elevation) ; Anom- alies of the Ribs (Bifurcation, Incomplete Formation) ; Anomalies of the Mammary Glands (Absence, Hypoplasia, Athelia, Polymastia) ; Anomalies in the Muscles (Pectoralis, Sternalis, Trapezius, etc.) ; Con- genital Diaphragmatic Hernia, Illustrative Cases, Varieties, Clinical Characters, Morbid Anatomy, Teratogenesis, Literature ; Malformations of the Sternum ; Fissures of the Sternum ; Ectopia Cordis ; Pleurosomus 407 CHAPTER XXVI Merosomatous Terata (cont.) : Malformations of the Thoracic Organs : Mal- formations of the Heart : Individual Anomalies of Interauricular and Interventricular Septa, Pulmonary Artery, Aorta, and Valves ; Associations of Cardiac Anomalies ; Associated Malformations ; Tera- togenesis ; Symptomatology ; Malformations of the Lungs, Trachea, Bronchi, and Thymus Gland ...... 41)5 CHAPTER XXVII Merosomatous Terata (cunt.) ; Malformations of the Abdomen : Gastroschisis : History, Nomenclature, Classification, Clinical Characters, Morbid Anatomy, Teratogenesis, Literature ; Hernia of the Umbilical Cord ; Intestinal Diverticula ; Intestinal Stenosis and Atresia ; Hour-glass Stomach ; Malposition of Intestines ; Anomalies of Appendix Vermi- formis ; Congenital Hernia and Hydrocele ; Anomalies of Liver and Gall Bladder ; Anomalies of Spleen, Suprarenal Capsules, Pancreas, and Blood Vessels ; Congenital Umbilical Neoplasms . . .513 xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER XXVIII PAGE Merosomatous Teratu (cont.) : Malformations of the Pelvic Organs : Extro- version of the Bladder ; Definition, Synonyms, Historical Notes, Clinical Features, Morbid Anatomy (in the Male and in the Female), Cloacal Variety, Teratogenesis, Literature; Urinary Umbilical Fistuhe ; Miscellaneous Malformations of the Bladder (Double Bladder, Diver- ticula); Malformations of the Kidneys (Absence, Single Kidney, Displacement, Lobulation, Accessory Kidney, Cystic Kidney) ; Mal- formations of the Ureters ; Malformations of the Penis (Absence, Duplication or Di phallus, Double Urethra, Penile Canals, Atresia of Urethra, Epispadias, Hypospadias); Malformations of the Testicles ; Malformations of the Female Genitals ; Malformations of the Anus and Rectum ; Hermaphroditism ...... 539 CHAPTER XXIX Merosomatous Terata (rout.) : Malformations of the Limbs : Sympodia (Definition, Frequency, Synonyms, History, Clinical Characters, Morbid Anatomy, Teratogenesis) ; Monopodia ; Ectromelus or Amelus ; Hemi- melus ; Phocomelus; Absence of Individual Bones; Miscellaneous Defects ; Double Hand and Double Foot ; Polydactyly and Hyper- phalangy : Malformations of the Foetal Annexa ; Anomalies of the Placenta, Umbilical Cord, and Vessels ..... 568 CHAPTER XXX Heterotaxy or Transposition of the Viscera : Definition, Synonyms, Historical References, Literature, Illustrative Cases, Morbid Anatomy, Varieties (Total, Partial, Irregular), Associated Malformations, Transposition in Animals and in Double Terata, Clinical Aspects, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Teratogenesis : Antenatal Diagnosis of Monstrosities : Retrospect and Conclusions . . . . . . . .594 BOOK IV THE PATHOLOGY OF THE GERM CHAPTER XXXI Pathology of Germinal Life: Physiology of Germinal Life; Ovum and Sperm Production, Maturation, Fertilisation, Segmentation, Blastocyst Formation : Pathology of the Blastocyst ; Hydatid Moles, Abortion Sacs without Embryos, Amniotic Defects, Heterotaxy : Pathology of the Morula Mass; Fractional Individuals, Neoplasms: Pathology of Fertilisation; Polyspermy, Double Terata, Hybridity : Pathology of Maturation ; Parthenogenesis, Dermoids, Teratomata or Em- bryoraata ........ c>Q7 CONTENTS xv CHAPTER XXXII PAGE Polysomatous Terata : Uniovular or Monochorionic Twins : Allantoido- angiopagous Twins ; Definition, Synonyms, Varieties (Paracephalus, Acephalus, Amorphus), Teratogenesis : United Twins or Double Terata ; Symmetrically United (Syncephalus, Dicephalus, Thoracopagus), Asym- metrically United, Teratogenesis : Triplets, Normal, Malformed, United : Quadruplets : Quintuplets : Sextuplets : Septuplets . . 623 CHAPTER XXXIII Pathology of Germinal Life (cont.) : Physiology of the Egg- and Sperm- Cell ; Normal or Ancestral Heredity ; Pathology of the Egg- and Sperm-Cell ; Popular and Scientific Ideas regarding Morbid Heredity and its Various Phenomena ; Degeneration ; Effect of Impregnation upon Heredity and Degeneration ; Arrest of Growth, Development, and the Performance of Functions ; Etiological Uniformity in the Various Periods of Life ; Treatment of Antenatal Morbid States, and especially of those arising in the Germinal Epoch . . . 647 Appendix ......... 661 Index of Subjects ........ 669 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS COLOURED PLATES TAGE XV. Vertical Mesial section of Inieneephalic Foetus. (Specimen No. 44) . . . . . . .274 XVI. Vertical Mesial section of Inieneephalic Foetus. (Specimen No. 251) .278 XVII. Vertical Mesial section of Inieneephalic F